Find Your Way

Dr. Amy Nelson, ND is a board-certified, licensed naturopathic doctor who specializes in digestive, hormonal and neurotransmitter health. It is easy to get lost when navigating your health. Habits, nutrition, stress all create wellness or pathology. Dr. Nelson can help you find your way. 

Learn about Hormones!

Class 1: Hormone Basics for the Menstruating Woman - How do Hormones Work?

I am thrilled to announce my very virtual first class: “Hormone Basics for the Menstruating Woman - How do Hormones Work?” It is the first class of a three-part series: “Hormone Basics for Women.” Click on the link to learn more and register for this class. All live classes will be through Zoom. Recordings are available for download.

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Visit our store to order top-quality supplements and wellness products—delivered straight to your door.

Digestive Support, Hormonal Balance, and Neurotransmitter Health

Trained as a scientist, Dr. Nelson has unique investigative approaches and offers a fresh perspective to your health issues, no matter how complex. She excels at putting together details to uncover the cause of illness.

  • Digestive Health

    At the IBS Treatment Center, Dr. Nelson investigated the root cause of the most complex digestive illness cases.

  • Hormonal Health

    Understanding the cause of hormonal issues is far more important than just knowing that you have hormonal issues.

  • Neurotransmitter Health

    Having worked mental health since 2007, Dr. Nelson has vast experience along with her understanding of biochemistry.

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