Class 1: Hormone Basics for the Menstruating Woman: How do Hormones Work? (Video + Document Download)
Heavy periods? Irregular cycle? Painful cramps? Intense mood changes with your cycle? Let’s explore why these happen. “Hormone Basics for the Menstruating Woman” outlines the normal female hormone cycle and why things go awry.
We live in a world that pathologizes things and makes us feel broken. This class helps you learn about your body and understand organ systems, biochemistry, and physiology in a clear, easy-to-follow format. Let’s challenge pathology-based thinking by delving into the root cause of symptoms. Knowledge gives you keys to healing and thriving. Remember, pathology is adaptive physiology. Symptoms in the body happen for a reason. Finding that reason and committing to change is your key.
You get access to the class recording, notes, and slides. If you want more 1:1 work, please schedule a naturopathic visit with Dr. Nelson. These classes are informative and not meant to take the place of medical visits.